If you’re looking for the fixed gear race of the century look no further. Rad Race Last Wo/Man Standing has something to offer everyone. Whether you are an athlete, spectator, bike enthusiast, or photographer, Rad Race has something for everyone.

Photo: @bjoern.reschabek

Frenk and Missy Martucci of Gruppetto started their long awaited adventure on Wednesday March 29th, 2023. They had spent the last 4 months prepping and practicing for this race. After months of dialing in their equipment and doing various test runs and practices in an open parking lot, they were finally ready. 

They disembarked from Los Angeles at 10pm and hit their first layover in London at 3pm Thursday afternoon. Their last flight into Berlin would last only a couple of hours, the two going straight to a local restaurant to enjoy some prime meats and beers, to bring their long travels to a close. The next day the couple met up with Frenk’s family, who had flown in from Italy. They spent Friday exploring Berlin, beating the jetlag, and taking city bikes around town to spin the legs. Frenk assembled the bikes as the two hit the 24 hour countdown before the race. Through the night friends and family members messaged the two, saying that they would be watching the live stream to cheer on the couple. The pressure was on.

Upon arriving to MOBIKART track Saturday afternoon, March 25th, the weather was cold and rainy. There was a nervous yet excited energy as riders picked up their numbers and set out to test the track. Frenk and Alec Briggs shook hands after it being years since they had last seen each other. Alec recalled that Frenk was one of the reasons he had gotten into fixed gear as the two shared a moment to reminisce about the good ol’ days of Red Hook Crit. Meanwhile Missy and Paola Panzeri sat in a corner tucked away from the crowd, eating pre-race snacks and visiting. Missy expressed she was happy to see Paola because she was the only woman she knew at the race. After 2 hours of practice, registration finally closed and heats were released. Immediately Missy started researching the athletes in heats and knew she would be with some heavy hitters like Thelma Friis-Lund (last year’s winner), Michelle de Graaf, Amy Perryman of Tekkerz, and of course her friend Paola herself. Francesco, as well as everyone else in the men’s heats, knew that Alec Briggs would be the man to beat.

Photo: @piarazzi

Initial heats were underway. The men’s field had approximately 160 riders battling it out in qualification heats. Frenk was able to make it through his heats, getting first in his qualifiers and second in the quarter final. He soared on his Supernova through the turns making each lap look easier than the previous. He made it all the way to the semi finals where he would battle it out with tough competitors like Stefan Schott, Nicolò Falcone, and Samuel Harding. With a tough start his Rad Race journey ended in the semi finals. Caught in some bumping at the start line, Frenk lost prime position and was ultimately eliminated.     

Missy was able to make it through her qualification heat, going head-to-head with Amy Perryman of Tekkerz, claiming she felt secure in second position and spent her laps observing Amy’s lines. In the semi finals, she exploded from the start, with a perfect clip-in, and dominated the semi-finals, finishing first, and securing her spot in the finals. 

Photo: @thomaswdesign Photo: @daniel.wittewattendorff

As the night hit its climax, the lights dimmed and the smoke machines masked the track as an epic battle ground that could only be found in your wildest imagination. The music blared and the massive crowd of spectators roared as the announcer called the competitors down one by one. 

Photo: @thomaswdesign

The start line was compact, riders elbow to elbow as Ingo Engelhart, Rad Race organizer, counted them down. At one point the crowd was so loud, you could barely hear the announcer. Once the words “KICK IT” were screamed over the intercom, the riders took off, battling their way through the first corner. 

Photo: @daniel.wittewattendorff

Missy stayed in third position for the first few laps until making a move to pass Amy and Thelma who held the top two positions. As Missy passed to secure the lead position the crowd erupted in disbelief and support of the Californian newcomer, and Paola Panzeri squeezed into second position behind her wheel. Missy and Paola proceeded to go head to head for the remaining laps, Missy taking her bike to the limit each turn to shake Paola. Ultimately a mistake in the first turn of the last lap, caused Missy to crash, making Paola Panzeri the Last Woman Standing and Missy the second place victor of the night. Thelma Friis-Lund would snag the 3rd podium spot. The two shared a congratulatory embrace at the finish line, both riders having shared multiple podiums around the world together, and showing their respect for each other as athletes. Paola, shrouded in an Italian flag and Missy in a California flag, received a standing ovation for the show that they gave the crowd. To top the night off, Missy received the fastest women’s lap at 43.35 seconds contending closely with the fastest man, Giacomo Scottini at 41.15 seconds.

Photos: @daniel.wittewattendorff

After the women’s race, the men’s final ensued. The crowd screamed their support for their favorite rider, as the men dive bombed each turn, trying to pass one another. The atmosphere was electric, blaring with a mix of industrial techno and house music, as riders were pulled one by one. In the end it was a fight between Alec Briggs and Samuel Harding, with Alec doing his signature pass in the last lap of the race, securing the title of Last Man Standing for the third year in a row. Samuel Harding was second and Stefan Schott claimed third.

Photo: @bjoern.reschabek

After the race, it was a full-on party with both athletes and spectators. Missy and Frenk enjoyed a celebratory beer with new and old friends. The two received support and congratulations from many as they danced to an ABBA remix of Gimme Gimme in their bicycle bibs. And as quickly as the day had come, it was over. Missy and Frenk rushed back to the hotel to pack and grab a cab to the airport at 4am. 

Photo: @daniel.wittewattendorff

If you ask either Frenk or Missy about their experience, you can expect them to say how unreal the weekend seemed. Rad Race provided a supreme environment and location for one of the coolest events on the planet. In its ninth year, Rad Race Last Wo/Man Standing truly is the fixed gear event of the century, that every fixie enthusiast should make the trip to experience…at least once. Whether you get through to the finals or you are eliminated in the first heat, Rad Race is the party that you don’t want to miss…

Photos: @daniel.wittewattendorff


Trinity of Track